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Tecumseh with worn valve guides

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Re: Tecumseh with worn valve guides

Postby StarTech » Thu Feb 02, 2017 6:10 pm

You got it. It is a big Industrial secret nowadays and it is keep better than government sercets. I remember my Chiltons all gave me info like that for rebuilding V8s. Now we can only depend on each experiences to get what we need to do our jobs. Even then it is like pulling teeth without pain killers. A lot times I can't even find skirt clearances for rebuilds. Just hone until piston slides in, check ring end gaps and hope it I haven't gone too far.

Come on manufactures wake up some of us do rebuild these engines and need this info.

Let us know how things turn out.

Shorten my first chain today at AVB's shop, had to text him as to where to find the tools and the joining kits in his shop. A little spooky as he directed me to the exact area especially when he texted "It is next to your left hand". I didn't know he was watching me remotely. :shock:

Boy what packed shop. No wonder he said could work outdoors. He said he going to try to expand the storage area later this year so he can free shop floor space. I trust that there is floor down there somewhere. ;)

I also didn't realize how slow my DSL service was before I use his cable access wi-fi channel.

Re: Tecumseh with worn valve guides

Postby Arkie » Sun Feb 05, 2017 11:50 am

creia wrote:1970 Tecumseh HS40 - 55282B
I know that the valve guides are worn. I would like to know how much by taking measurements of the stems OD and the guides ID and comparing the clearance measurement with factory specs. Can someone provide me with those specs please? That is to say how much clearance is too much on this engine (i.e.,"reject size")?
Thank you

You can find quite a bit of info about valve guides, replacing, inspecting, etc doing a online search:

Here is one example.

You might nose around at m&dmower.com and see if they have any obsolete 1/32 oversize valves.
Your model number for the 4 hp horzonitasl shaft is ???

You should be able to mic a place on your used valve stem and compare it too a place on the stem that is not worn to see how much the valve stem is worn, maybe. If you had a unworn valve and insert it into the existing guide would be a good way to see if the guide is worn. http://tulsaenginewarehouse.com/

I think maybe Tecumseh standard GUIDE are not normally replaced they are reamed 1/32 over and a new valve with 1/32 oversize stem is installed. Now if you have a worn out 1/32 oversize guide you need a new replacement engine.
I can get a good idea if I can live with a worn guide by using a good valve and doing the wiggle test, but you have to have a feel for such. (redneck style)

Tulsa Engine warehouse at Kansas, Ok is real good at small engine replacement and small engine block replacements. Small engine interchange is their speciality.

Good luck with that little dinosaur. ;) I still have some of them old Tecumsehs humping along. Get my parts from flea bay.
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Re: Tecumseh with worn valve guides

Postby KE4AVB » Sun Feb 05, 2017 1:22 pm


There is part of that article cited that is incorrect when dealing with L-heads (especially Briggs L-heads) as you DON'T drive the old valve guide out you tap and extract them. Another thing the current 1/4" brass valve guides that Briggs are selling is not as thick as the after market ones that I have use in the past. The original 231348 valve guide bushings also were .310 OD and .249 ID which requires a a 19/64 reamer to install and the latest version requires a 9/32 reamer; both still need a 1/4 finish reamer. And with the Briggs 231348 now retailing for $14, I can buy half hard brass tubing and make my own for less $1 a piece. Now some L-heads already have replaceable valve guides and they of a complete differ OD spec but still requires the correct ID finish reamer once installed.

I can get a good idea if I can live with a worn guide by using a good valve and doing the wiggle test, but you have to have a feel for such. (redneck style)

I wouldn't exactly call that redneck style as an experienced rebuilder would know that a guide could be worn just enough to cause problems but still pass of some the ways of measuring the guide. I have replace several guides that the tests said the guides were fine even though I was still having excessive oil passage causing very noticeable smoking. Personally every 1/4 Briggs valve guide replacement I have done have passed the go/no go test gauge that Briggs d in my valve guide tool set.
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