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Authors Wanted: How-To Guides, Tips & Hints

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Authors Wanted: How-To Guides, Tips & Hints

Postby Gasoholic » Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:28 pm

As a part of the PPETEN network, one of the plans is to have reference pages on the main website (where there is currently nothing)
I'd considered putting up a Wiki, but from experience, It isn't something that most non-geek types are really comfortable with using.

So, What we'll do is accept submissions - Write up your how-to (The more photos you can include, the better) in a text document, word, wordpad, notepad, whatever , along with any photos you want to include (Make notations in text where photos go) and we (more like, I, probably) will put together the whole thing into a formatted web page and upload and link on the main site for everyone to refer to. (of course with any minor editing , photo resizing - I can photoshop image as needed for clarity, so if you need a photo edited for your article, we can do that too.)

The authors will hold copyright and all credit (so make sure any photos are your own) and it will be published with whatever credit information you want noted (From a minimum of your forum username, up to and including your name, address, business name, and even business website - Note to website owners, a great way to get back links from us to you.)

That way we'll have a growing reference archive for everyone. It can be as simple as a guide on blade sharpening , or carburetor overhaul procedures for specific carburetors, to complete rebuilds, generator testing, re-winding, etc. - Even multiple articles on the same exact subject can work (we'll add a google plus and like button to the pages, so they can be "voted" on by visitors) - there's more than one way to do some things.

Hope to see your articles soon!
(P.M. Me, bgsengine, or one of the forum mods, for email address to send them to, and/or technical assistance on making a zip archive of a lot of content.)
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