by KE4AVB » Sun Nov 15, 2015 7:42 am
Tree is the middle of the road at the bottom of a steep hill in a housing area north of Huntsville, AL
Trains travel regularly down the middle of the street in downtown Gadsden, AL. Some of the smoothest tracks to cross over and down the middle of through. Just why can't make all crossing as smooth?
And I have seen several striping jobs in Madison County, AL where they just stripe over road kill.
There one place I know of the when they say no shoulders they mean it. About a 200+ foot drop off to the creek bed below. Don't even have the room for a guard rail.
I even seen a paving job in north Madison County, AL where they just paved around a mail box instead moving the mail box and post out the traffic lane. It took them over ten years to fix the problem and it took someone running over the mailbox before they did anything then.
The truest measure of society is the how it treats its elderly, its pets, and its prisoners.