Well, I'm glad to see so many people making the transition. That's one thing I love about my name, I can almost always use it for a username!
I'm sorry to see the old perr site leave us, In fact I need to get over there and gather a few things before it's offline. I learned so much on the old site, and I'm looking forward to learning much more, though I will probably always do the best I can to stay away from the electrical side of things
. I do have one suggestion though- I have seen political areas on these sites before, and you need a password to access them. I might only be 21, and not have much experience in politics, but I love to talk and discuss them. It's better than getting kicked off of facebook for it, and if it's password protected then it can be easily moderated, providing we can keep it fairly calm in our rants, and discussions. it's just an Idea, and something I would love to see up. oh and Thanks to all of the brave people who took it on to get this site up and running, and keep up the good work.