I have a Coleman Powermate Powerbase 5000 with a 10HP Briggs on it. Craigslist find, didn't start. Horribly stale gas and carb crud like you'd expect. Carb is a Walbro LMT with numbers 5-4993 stamped on one side, and then on the other side the number "51" is cast into the body just above and to the left of the "W" of Walbro.
Anyway... I disassembled the carb to clean and boy did it need it. The main jet would not come out and it looks like I may have at least partially stripped the brass head of the jet (yeah yeah... I know). I gave it a trip through the ultrasonic cleaner with the main jet still in ('cause I couldn't get it out), then followed that with lots of carb cleaner hoping to get the jet clean enough.
After reassembly, I could get it to hit on carb cleaner at first, then it would run for 3 or 4 seconds (more than it would on just carb cleaner, so it was getting some gas through the carb) then it would hunt/surge for maybe 1 or 2 seconds then die. I repeated this 5 or 6 times, then it wouldn't start at all and I noticed there was a puddle of gas in the bottom of the carb throat.
I'm assuming I have something plugged up that's causing the engine to run really rich--maybe the inlet needle isn't seating. If that was the case, would the gas rise all the way up into the carb throat? Now that I'm thinking about it, I think it would.
My dilemma thus becomes: Do I buy a carb kit w/ new inlet needle and install, only to discover that the problem is also the clogged main jet/emulsion tube that I may never get out? If that's the case, I'm looking at a new carb anyway, so maybe just go there instead of fooling around with the kit. Is there a reasonable aftermarket solution for this application? I'm sure a genuine Walbro is probably pricey, given that it's a $30 Craigslist find.
Or does anyone have any great tricks for getting that main jet out? I'm soaking it with PB Blaster now in hopes that will free up some crud.