by NevadaWalrus » Tue Nov 05, 2013 12:17 am
bobodu, I still think you are guy to do a logo. Let me suggest what I had when I had a forum on line. As now I only had an idea and asked someone with a graphics program to put it together. May have been you, just can't remember. Started with a horizontal rectangular box with forum title of "POWER FORUM". Then around the title which now would be "PPETEN", I nicked some on line pictures of products, line and hedge trimmers, chain saw, mower or 2 and I think an engine or 2. I asked that the pictures be reduced in file size as well as fairly small physical size, made them faded or semi transparent to reduce or lower file size and make the logo down load faster. I was concerned with download speed because at the time I was using a slow dial up internet service and probably should still be considered.
From seeing some of what you've done I'm sure you have a graphics program. I'll find suitable pictures if you're willing to give it a shot.