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The life of a student.

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The life of a student.

Postby Sobujhossain93 » Mon Aug 30, 2021 4:28 am

I am a student. Does anyone know when my college will open in this corona situation. I don't feel good anymore. I got very sick from sitting in the house.
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Re: The life of a student.

Postby KE4AVB » Mon Aug 30, 2021 6:55 am

We all would like to get back to normal life but when people making this into political thing along with all the miss information out there it is going to last a long time.

As small business in the country my interactions with my customers are 99% outdoors. Even then I keep my distance. I did get the vaccine so as soon as I could. I done had pneumonia once and it left me recovering for over three years. I still have breathing problems around smoke of any kind.

Personally I just don't get it why people are so afraid of a tested vaccine but are willing to experiment on themselves injecting bleach, taking horse dewormer, or taking any of the many quack cures pushed on the internet. We could had gotten this thing under better control if the public weren't so resistance to getting the vaccine.

And I do know of cases personally here where someone comes down with virus intentionally spreading it at work. Sorta like the guy at my neighbor's work site where the guy came in and spent 3 days spreading the virus before they caught up with him. Over 3/4 of the workers came down with virus. The company owner wasn't very happy at all. The neighbor went through the first battle with the virus and was nearly hospitalized. Three weeks after being released he came down with pneumonia and was hospitalized. It been now over year later and he still feels the effects of the virus.

I do understand how common things you use to do to pass the time can become as boring as heck. Researching things for my business and helping others over the net as kept me sane though I can be up at odd hours. You would think I watch a lot television but I actually watch a very little nowadays as it is boring to me.

I used to miss going to restaurant and dining on the weekends but this virus has made me into a fairly good cook. So much so that I had to put myself on a diet to shed the weight I gained while I was learning. Being 62 it is really easy to put on the weight but very hard to get it back off. It took eating salads 3 times a day for nearly two months before I even seen the first pound of weight lost. Now I am down 10-15 pounds. But now the drought and wildfires out West putting a damper the salad supplies.

And this morning I was reading online about how bad IDA tore up Louisiana so think your boredom problem could be a lot worst. These folks was already in the middle of major virus outbreak, now they got all these extra problems now. And this devastation will take months to recover from which is made even harder by the rampant virus in their area. The hospital system there was already stretch to it max capacity and now this had to happen. What worst we are just in the middle of the hurricane season and a el Nina is developing which would make things even worst.

Something else to think about is all the folks affected by the major drought on the Western half of the US. Between the wildfires and the lack of water those folks are really having problems plus they having deal with another outbreak of Covid 19 virus on top of it because so many refused to take the vaccine. Right now here in Lincoln county, TN we have over 400 students out with the virus as of last week.

As long as people wants to stay hardheaded we will not get this virus under control. We had started getting it under control back in May and June then they drop the restrictions so anyone went bonkers. Now we are back in the same mess all over again.

People talks about how hard it is to breathe through the three layer masks. They are not that restrictive when compared to organic vapor masks that I have to wear at work. Now they are fairly restrictive.
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Re: The life of a student.

Postby RoyM » Mon Aug 30, 2021 11:05 am

Welcome to the club, you are not alone. We are all fed up to here with it but there is little we can do except take reasonable precautions and try to carry on as normally as possible. We need to develop patience and adapt as best we can, this isn't going away any time soon. Have you any hobbies you can indulge in and expand on? You have a computer and internet, what about continuing your studies online? I take it you have an interest in small engines or you wouldn't be here. Can you do repairs out of your home (at least until bylaw enforcement shows up :roll: )?
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