Been pulling my hair out lately working on a Yardman Trimmer (Yardmachine 18" Trimmer S30508AC with a with a Tecumseh LEV80 Tecumseh engine.
I've tried to replace the carburetor, the old one was trashed...but I couldn't find one that would fit! The problem is, the fuel line elbo is sticking out too far and hitting the block of the engine and not allowing it to be bolted onto the intake manifold. I have pulled out the pressed in elbo and cut it down enough to fit which I think will work. Have any of you had this problem with older machines? The original carb had a nylon elbo that was much closer to the carburetor and fit fine but even buying an OEM, it still came with a too long elbo! Also, where does the governor link go on this carburetor...I have it marked where I put it but I see no reference in my Tecumseh book...